If You're Gonna be a Monster ... you gotta do it right!

by Mrs. Mouse - Illustrated by Kevin Scott Collier


Fiction, Illustrated Children's Book, Fantasy
Ages 4-12
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches,
34 pages
ISBN Number:
Publication Date:
August 2005

Book Reviews - Synopsis
About the Illustrator
About the Author

Available on Amazon


Warning! Monsters!

Two brothers become monsters just in time for Trick-or-Treat. As this hilarious Halloween-based story evolves, you'll find there's a bit more to being a perfect monster than creating a monster costume.

Excerpt page 3 & 4 (takes a moment to load)
Excerpt page 5 & 6 (takes a moment to load)

About the Author:

Mrs. Mouse is an award winning children's book author from Texas and Idaho. Married to her best friend and mother of one, she can usually be found cooking, gardening, crafting for charity, playing with pets, or writing about all of the above. (Website)

About the Illustrator:

Kevin Scott Collier is an author and illustrator of children's books. His books as author include "barthpenn@heaven.org," "Esther's Channel," and "Professor Horace, Cryptozoologist." Collier also has illustrated over 80 picture books for other authors.

Kevin is Art Director of the Grand Haven Tribune newspaper in Grand Haven, Michigan and teaches cartooning and writing classes to area youth. He also appears occasionally on KICKS Club Television show.

He enjoys water and snow skiing, tennis, surfboarding, sandboarding, and mountain biking. He also has written and illustrated many comic strip series for various West Michigan newspapers.

Kevin is married to author Kristen Collier, and they have a son, Jarod. (Website)

Book Reviews:

"The title says it all and who would know better than a real monster -- or monsters. A delightful story for any child who has ever been taunted by an older sibling." - Judy Miller, author of Hidden Treasures (Website)

"IF YOU'RE GONNA BE A MONSTER ... You gotta do it right, by Mrs. Mouse, puts a new twist on the old idea that monsters are something to be afraid of, indeed, they might just be what a boy being bullied needs to have around. With characters that come to life, vivid language, and brilliant illustrations, this book will entertain young readers while helping them think seriously about who the monsters really are. " - Linda Aksomits, author of the Gopher Gulch folktales (Website)

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If You're Gonna be a Monster ... you gotta do it right!

Available on Amazon